P&C Role

The Role of our P&C Association

Parents and Citizens’ Associations are established under the School Education Act 1999 for the purpose of supporting a strong government school system, for the benefit of the students.

The P&C Association at Sheoak Grove Primary School helps you and your children by:

  • Giving parents an opportunity to learn about our school’s policy and programs;
  • Organising ways in which parents can share in shaping and developing school policies so that they reflect the broad agreement and support of the school community;
  • Bring parents together to share information and views;
  • Assisting the school to build positive attitudes to students and their families;
  • Stimulating community interest and participation in education;
  • Raising funds and providing additional resource and amenities for the benefit of children attending our school.

Please consider being part of our strong and vibrant team and make a real difference with your support of Sheoak Grove Primary School. More information can be found hereGeneral P&C Membership Forms can be found here.