Our Business Plan

This is our second Business Plan and it was co-written by our staff and our School Board. We look forward to the drive and direction it will give our school through our work toward our goal of sustained improvement and success. The plan describes the outcomes we want to achieve during the time between now and the end of the planning cycle. It is comprehensive and will allow us to design our annual operational plans and budget documents in a consistent and cohesive manner across that timeframe and it follows on from the Business Plan that governed the establishment of Sheoak Grove.

Our plan is provided in an electronic platform that is consistent with the majority of the communication that our parent community access from our school. 

We very much look forward to the results of the work that we will continue to do together to provide the best outcomes we can for our Sheoak Grove students over the period of this Business Plan.

Craig Stanners



Sheoak Grove Primary School Business Plan 2024 - 2026