School Hours

This procedure relates to the whole school (K-6).  It will work in conjunction with other policy documents such as our Crunch and Sip and Sun Safe policies.  It meets the requirements of the Department of Education’s policy.

8:15 am –             Students can arrive

The school day will begin with students and their families coming into the school from 8:15 am.  Students and families will congregate in the area around the undercover area, including the ‘Tamworth Square’ quadrangle, the basketball courts and the handball courts.  Games will be available for students and families to play.

8:30 am –             Students can enter classrooms (hand bell)

At 8:30 am a hand bell will ring and students move into their classrooms to get prepared for the day.  Parents can use this time to see teachers briefly.  Where appropriate parents will be welcome to do activities with their children.

8:40 am –             Start of the day (Siren)

10:40 am –           Recess (siren)

The first part of recess will be used for students to eat morning tea.  Students can move off to play once duty teachers allow.

11:00 am –           Recess ends (siren)

1:00 pm –             Lunch (siren)

Students will eat in designated areas for the first 15 minutes of lunchtime.  Students will be dismissed from those areas by the duty teacher.  The second lunchtime duty will begin at 1:20 pm and will cease with the siren. Please see the Interim Duty Policy and Procedures for details.

1:40 pm –             Lunch ends (siren)

2:50 pm –             School ends (siren)

The configuration of our school day was endorsed by the Sheoak Grove Primary School Steering Committee on November 19, 2019.